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Rifle Dies

How to select the right die set for your needs

The first step in selecting a die set for a rifle cartridge is to know where and what the ammo is to be used in.

Lee Pacesetter Dies and RGB series: Use these dies if you want to produce factory-dimensioned ammo that reliably fits and feeds in any gun. They are the first choice for semi-auto actions. Full-length sizing is a must if you are reloading for more than one firearm or reloading cases that were fired in others firearms. Pacesetter dies include the Lee Factory Crimp Die.

The Lee Collet Neck Sizing Dies: Use these dies for best accuracy, longest case life and no resizing lubricant. Only the neck of the case is resized the body is untouched so it retains the perfect fit to your guns chamber. Cases should have been fired in your firearm only and reloaded rounds are intended for use in just one firearm. These dies are the favorite of the bench rest crowd as there is no other die that can produce a more accurate cartridge.

If you intend to reload cases fired in others guns or you are reloading for more than one gun select the Ultimate Rifle Die Set. The Ultimate set includes a full length resizing die that allows you to restore any case to factory original dimensions so that you can fire form in your gun and then reload using the superior Collet neck sizing die.

The Lee Rifle Factory crimp die is the only effective way to crimp bottle neck rifle cartridges. This important step should be performed on all loads used for hunting. Applying a Factory crimp will always improve the utility of the cartridge and in most cases it will also improve the accuracy.


 Full Length Sizing DieCollet Neck Sizing DieDead Length Bullet Seating DieBullet Seating/Crimping DieFactory Crimp Die
RGB Diesx x  
PaceSetter 3-Die Setx x x
PaceSetter 2-Die Setx  x 
PaceSetter Very Ltd. Production Die Setx    
Collet Die Set xx  
Ultimate Rifle Die Setxxx x
Breech Lock Diesx x x
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