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Hand Gun Dies

Select the Deluxe Pistol 4-die set when using mixed range brass or brass that was fired in others guns. The Deluxe set includes the Carbide Factory crimp die. This die allows you to separate bullet seating from the crimping operation. It makes setup much easier and the die has the added feature of a carbide resizer that does a finishing sizing pass on the completed round. This final sizing guarantees that any case that passes through the die will freely and reliably chamber in any gun.

The carbide & steel three die sets work fine when using a quality controlled source of brass, like cases fired only in your gun. More care is required when adjusting the bullet seat and crimp die, as seating and crimping occur simultaneously. Bullet diameter control is important when not using the factory crimp.

 Carbide Full Length Sizing Die Steel Full Length Sizing Die Powder Through Expanding DieBullet Seating/Crimping DieTaper Crimp DieCarbide Factory Crimp Die
Deluxe Pistol 4-Die Setx  x x  x
Very Ltd. Steel 4-Die Set x x xx 
Carbide 3-Die Setx x x   
Steel 3-Die Set x x x   


Reloading sequence:

Carbide Sizing Die Powder Through Expanding DieBullet Seat & Feed DieCarbide Factory Crimp Die
Carbide Sizing DiePowder Through Expanding DieBullet Seating DieCarbide Factory Crimp Die

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